Purifier help insulation protection

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Hammer Head shark
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Purifier help insulation protection

Post by Taggy »


Having lost a purifier to the weather before I dont want it to happen again.

I have a problem that I need to sort out and I'm jiggered if I can work out.

Anyway the problem water purifier having to be out in the elements due to no room and to far away from house in filter bay. Fine for water changes but I want to run a trickle in and out so obviously will need to leave purifier out in elements.

It will be in a sheltered spot buy a 6ft panel fence so not directly out to the elements

Any help advice appreciated

Manky Sanke
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Re: Purifier help insulation protection

Post by Manky Sanke »


Protecting the purifier won't be difficult if you can put into a box or enclosure with 50 mm Celotex or similar insulation on the inside. The pipe that's feeding it could be insulated if it's on the surface but, ideally, should be buried to a depth of 300 mm if the weather in your area isn't too extreme and there won't be any chance of it be damaged by digging but 500 mm would be far better.
Sandbar shark
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Re: Purifier help insulation protection

Post by vince »

I would say syd is spot on with the water pipe. it does need to be in the ground to stop it freezing up. but if not possible foam lagging will help. as for the purifier can you not cover it with hotwater jacket. the type you get for the house. better still if it can be placed in a plastic box and have the jacket all around it.
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