Hi Gazza
Firstly, I don't consider you, to being having a pop, the thing that draws me to Koi forums, is the people can be opinionated, and as so long as its polite and not personal, then that’s how I believe it should be.
If members get a bit hot under the collar, then individuals can always use the PM facility and meet in the playground for fisty cuffs
The sparky's have it easy comment, was with regards to my assessor stating that gas engineers - plumbers only needed a 80% pass rate, for part P, Whilst when we sit our C.O.R.G.I every 5 years they demand 100%
Hence Lucky sparky's, always make the most mess on site, always get the clean cup when the teas dished out, and come to think of it, always seem to go early, and the sparks I use demand £225 per day
The test I done was just a multiple choice question and answers.
This test means I can work on single circuits only !!, can wire a system, with say 3 Keston Boilers all linked with relays, 6 zones, digistats etc, etc etc, but don't go near that consumer unit, it might bite !!
Apparently before next December I will need to sit a Part P exam, I think this is to level B, ( you will know more about this than me ).
Anyway have got outside lights so back to cladding my Koi House.
Only popped in for a fag and a cuppa