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Do U RO? I RO (or will next week)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:05 pm
by Brek
Right just ordered the RO unit from vyair, they had a couple of manual flushing units left so got a 200us gall a day system off them for £155, it will be fed from my 3 x 20In system, don't want to damage those membranes, will connect end of feb and get temps up to 18 deg to start feeding them. Choose the 200 system as need 50 gall a day into 1500 gall pond, and I read they don't produce the amount of water claimed depending on how hard the source water is, I suppose I'll now need to go out and buy some decent quakoos now.

Re: Do U RO? I RO (or will next week)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:24 pm
by Gazza
Hi Brek,

RO units need three things to produce water at a good rate:

1. Good water pressure

2. Good temperature 25c is what a lot would like

3. Good water which is soft/salty

Now if you can get all of the above you will get the full amount stated on the unit (your be lucky) and then remembering that is 200 gpd US gallons so if you are going to run all year round you will see that in the summer you will get a fair flow but in the winter it will be very low. You pre filtration is very important and making sure you change them when necessary as if the membranes get any chlorine they will get trashed. I always change mine before they are due a change just to make sure i don't have any chance of trashing the membranes.

Re: Do U RO? I RO (or will next week)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:40 pm
by Brek
The chlorine does worry me, I am going to use it with the 20in pre carts I have instead on the 10 inch it came with, will use them on the house tap, I was thinking of only using RO over 17 deg cel as thats when I feed to get growth, once temps drop below I 10 stop feeding, and will keep above 20 deg cel for 6 months of the year so should get more flow although 50 uk galls a day will do my little pond and will change the water every 2 weeks at that rate mixed 50/50 with tap water. so ro may be on for 8 months, and will turn off for the four months over winter will do my normal trickle in so the water will slowly return to mod hard water. I do use manky's dp4 test to guestimate chlorine levels, my 20 inch system is good for 20,000 l which should do 10 weeks dechlor of trickle in. so 3 lots of carbon filters a year.

Re: Do U RO? I RO (or will next week)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:54 pm
by Brek
its arrived and plumbed in, just need to mod the feed as the self tapping 6mm pushfit is woefully inadequate so got a 15mm inline with 6mm t off arriving tomorrow.

Re: Do U RO? I RO (or will next week)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:58 pm
by Brek
its arrived and plumbed in, just need to mod the feed as the self tapping 6mm pushfit is woefully inadequate so got a 15mm inline with 6mm t off arriving tomorrow.