Needles and Injections

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Needles and Injections

Post by Duncan »

hi, i started a new thread for this about needles and injection sites

needles come in various colours from Brown throught to Pink this generally denotes the gauge of the needle

insulin are orange which is 25 gauge through to pink the thickest which is 18 gauge

i generally dont use the orange and therefore this includes the all in one 1ml or 0.5ml insulin needles i find them very limited

i keep in the main 1.5 inch blue 23 gauge and pink 18 gauge

i use pink IP for nuflor which is oil based and carp pituitary extract for eveything else i use a 2.5 ml with a blue 1.5 inch needle pictured below the array of colours alos below is a close up of the business end of a needle

i dont know if i have shown you this before but ever wondered why they dont block up with flesh well the heal of the needle point is shot blasted on the inside so the inside edge does not cut a core

any questions?

Needle point.jpg
Needle point.jpg (19.11 KiB) Viewed 3621 times
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by Duncan »

i meant to say i use a 2.5 ml syringe because if treating an ulcer in a decent size fish i can load up once and put the loaded syringe in the fridge till next time where as with a 1ml insulin you have to waste a syringe for every injection

plus insulin needles only tend to be .5inch long which is just to short

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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by tomy2ponds »

Hi Duncan I tend rightly or wrongly to inject into the Peck muscle I only have Baytril 5 % and my needles are 0.3 and 1/2 an inch long.Am I using the wrong needles ??
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by welsh_kai_boy »

i have never looked at injecting koi, probably cost more in medicine than what my koi are actually worth.
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by Brockp »

Hi Welsh Koi

Disagree... you have a lovely fish you have grown on for 3-4 years and it hets an acute bacterial infection (normally through an ulcer) do you just give in or give it a simple injection (fish are often "cured" with a single injection), or let it die.

I think the problem is in your post, it's the cost..... my approach lower the cost of getting the right treatment. Find a fish friendly vet in your area and have a chat, you may find it very worthwhile AND always share your problems early with people on this site.

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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by tomy2ponds »

Hi I have my Koi registered with my Vet and this enables him to legally prescribe Ab's for my Koi,I would also like to say I only use them when really necessary most things if caught early enough I can treat and cure in my QT
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by welsh_kai_boy »

Brockp wrote:Hi Welsh Koi

Disagree... you have a lovely fish you have grown on for 3-4 years and it hets an acute bacterial infection (normally through an ulcer) do you just give in or give it a simple injection (fish are often "cured" with a single injection), or let it die.

I think the problem is in your post, it's the cost..... my approach lower the cost of getting the right treatment. Find a fish friendly vet in your area and have a chat, you may find it very worthwhile AND always share your problems early with people on this site.

I am Welsh_Kai_Boy :lol:
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by wilf »

Hi all ,I have been using insulin needles for all of my injections for a while now and get on very well with them ,the ones I use have 5/8" needles , a lot of my koi are on the smaller side but there are some larger ones in the pond. They are also registered with the vet, I remember the receptionists face when I had to take a fish to register I think she thought I had something furry in the box until she opened it to find a 70cm hageshiro in there.
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Re: Needles and Injections

Post by Brockp »

One practical but important point, if you have a fish with dropsy you are trying to save try and avoid using the IP route for any antibiotic injections.

The problem is that an IP injection opens up a channel (fistula) between the high pressure contents of the fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) and the outside. When you withdraw the needle the pressure inside forces fluid out through the whole you have made. This has two effects; it open up another channel for infection, but most importantly the fish looses, through the hole, high protein fluid which it cannot replace in its sick state.

Peter Brock
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