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Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 5:09 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi All,

Just got my Qt up and running. Bob Kindly came and glassed it last week :D 360 gallons including filters, block bult, lined with kingspan and glassed. Filter consists of 35ltrs static k1, 75 litres of fluidised k1 and then returns to pond via 4 air uplift pipes. Pond turning over 3 times an hour using 40 watts :wink: Heater will be installed but not used unless required for treatment.

Before glassing, lined with kingspan

[img] ... 1-4-09.jpg[/img]

Pond sits just in front of filter and bay and will actually form part of the main pond wall when finished.

[img] ... ver001.jpg[/img]

Home made easy chamber

[img] ... ver006.jpg[/img]

Divider between fluidised chamber and air uplift chamber

[img] ... ver017.jpg[/img]

Filling up

[img] ... ver021.jpg[/img]

Up lift pipes-now have four installed

[img] ... ver022.jpg[/img]


[img] ... ver023.jpg[/img]

Uplift chamber

[img] ... ver025.jpg[/img]

Whole pond

[img] ... ver026.jpg[/img]

Recess all way round pond for polycarbonate covers to sit inside

[img] ... ver031.jpg[/img]

Uplift pipe

[img] ... ver030.jpg[/img]

Fluidised K1

[img] ... ver029.jpg[/img]

Will sort out electrics and fit heater tommorrow. Polycarbonate covers will be next job :wink:

Andy :D

Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 5:26 pm
by Bob Hart
Looks Great now Andy and I guess all working well?

Any 'life' in there yet???

Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 5:44 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi Bob,

Yes all up and running-air line is very temp as need to order some fittings to tidy it up. Theres a few odds and ends from my old pond that will hopefully all be gone in the next week so i can thin out the growing on pond. Thanks again for last weekend-you did a great job-i know you enjoyed it really :D

Speak soon Andy :D

Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 8:30 pm
by Gazza
Hi Andy,

Looking good mate :D

Will you be setting the polycarb into the tops if so what about the gassing off or have you something in mind for this?

Will you have some kind of divide between the to or guards for jumping fish?

Sorry about the questions as i am not 100% on the set up so not sure...but i am sure i will see it soon enough when the main system is up and running :D :wink:

Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:25 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi Gazza,

The filters will actually be inside the filter house for the pond, the front of the main pond wall will wrap around between the Qt and the filter-hard to explain. The qt it self is split into two but still connected by bottom drains. The qt tank will have the polycarb sitting on the ridge, whilst the filters will be left open for gassing off(will eventually be inside the filter house so will be covered from elements to some degree.

Have ordered the last of the sandstone walling for the main pond so should finally have all walls up and ready for rendering soon!


Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:47 pm
by Gazza
Hi Andy,

great news mate i no its been a long time coming and i bet your getting excited and i am sure it won't be long before you are ready to fill :wink:

Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:11 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi Gazza,

Looking forward to it-been saving every penny and selling loads of koi etc. Hopefully not to far off now :D

Speak Soon


Re: QT

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:25 pm
by amanda
Hi Andy.
looking good, not too long now, will be great when its all done. :D :D
You always do a grand job with the diy

Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:25 am
by Thorny
Looks good mate, I do like the idea behind the air lift system, can You tell Me how You have worked the turnover out.
Nice job as usual Bob, I know how much You were looking forward to working in such a tight space.

Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:35 am
by emmaandaj
Hi Justin,

Bob did work hard on it-not a big job in terms of size but lots of tricky little bits-Bob did say he likes a challenge :D
I worked out how long the uplifts would be then tested them in my qt with 20 ltrs of air and found that four 1 1 /2 inch uplifts would give me the required turn over. When i got it up and running, i put a large measuring bowl under the outlets, timed how long it took to fill, and worked the turn over per hour. I will check it later as ive tweaked it a bit and have more flow now so should be a bit higher. The biggest restriction was the shallowness of the pond, if i could of had uplift pipes twice as long i could of tripled the flow with 20 ltrs of air.

The main pond will be run by air uplifts except for one skimmer which will power a shower. Ive done some testing and can easily move 20,000ltrs an hour with a 40 ltr 40 watt air pump :D


Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:45 am
by Thorny
I will be very interested to learn what You can achieve on the bigger pond, You say You were restricted due to the depth of the pond, I can see 3 course`s of blocks above ground is that it, or is it below ground as well. 3 course of blocks makes it 675mm, so I`m guessing just over 600mm deep. I have to say I am very interested in this concept of running a pond.

Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:08 am
by vippymini
Oh its so nice to see some more uplifts :D :D
Bobs done a great job again, superbob to the rescue!!! :lol: :lol:

so your main pond will be very ECO-friendly and save you loads of hard earned cash.
have you finalised the designs for the main filter/pond. you know we all love to see designs and photos.

Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:17 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi Justin,

Its only 3 courses deep. Im using 600mm pipes, in testing by extending to 800mm pipes i could probably double if not triple the output. Il see if i can find the results i had from my tests.

Hi Jane,

Yep main pond will be all uplifts except for one skimmer which will run UV and only be on in the summer. Ive started the filters for the main pond-will get some pics up when i get a chance.


Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:56 pm
by TicToc

The piccies are great and really well done with the glassing and airlifts. My only small nagging worry for you, is how close to that tree you have located the QT and can it potentially fall over, or can the roots do any damage? Sorry to sound so pesamistic, really well done.

TicToc (in Dubai)

Re: QT

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:31 pm
by emmaandaj
Hi Tic Toc,

The tree is fairly big-but all the roots that were under the filter area have been removed-and i cut half of it down. Its seems fairly stable and my builder doesnt think it will be a problem. Biggest problem is the Dove's sit in the tree and C**p all over the pond. Hopefully will have the polycarb cover this week.

Cheers Andy :D